We call this portfolio “The Sovereign Ruler” based on it’s long-term objective and it’s overall behavior. By design, this portfolio is turbo-charged for hyper-aggressive growth with the overall long-term goal of exceeding the returns of both the S&P 500 and the All-Cap World Index. However, with that design comes the expectation of wildly erratic behavior in the short-term, with substantial downside volatility. When we think of the stories of legendary rulers, they went through substantial trials and many displayed erratic behavior, but their resolve stood the test of time and who they were at the core of their nature allowed them to reign supreme. Stated simply, this portfolio is not for the faint of heart! It is only for someone willing to go through time-tested battles in the market with extreme resolve to be battle worn and battle torn in the pursuit of financial glory and dominance.
The Sovereign Ruler is a hyper-aggressive globally diversified investment portfolio that seeks to achieve a real return that exceeds both the S&P 500 and the All-Cap World Index over the course of the long term. The portfolio is built with a 100% exposure to equities with a rules-based option strategy overlaid on top of the underlying holdings. The expected behavior of this portfolio is that it should experience a range of volatility that exceeds both the S&P 500 as well as the All Cap World Index by design. While this behavioral characteristic should be expected, it cannot be guaranteed.
Performance data reported for this portfolio assumes an allocation that is assigned to fixed daily percentages. Reported performance will therefore vary from actual investment performance due to the "drift" of underlying holdings that are based on pre-assigned ranges of allowable variance. Reported performance does not take into account management fees, transaction costs, or taxes. Performance and risk metrics are self-reported, and while we strive to be as accurate as possible and believe our data to be credible, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Year-to-date performance is reported on an annual basis. Investment dollars allocated to this portfolio should be long-term in nature and should not be considered for short-term application under any circumstances. Please consult your financial professional to determine if this portfolio is in your best interest.
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